Spiced Vegetable Soup
This recipe was sent in by a top spice fan! Ingredients: 2 small onions 350g carrots 175g red lentils 800ml vegetable stock 1/2 tsp of...
This recipe was sent in by a top spice fan! Ingredients: 2 small onions 350g carrots 175g red lentils 800ml vegetable stock 1/2 tsp of...
Super easy breakfast recipe! This is delicious on top of greek yoghurt. You could add dried fruit as well! Ingredients: Tbsp coconut oil...
These salty and sweet pancakes are always a huge hit! You can use either the Artisan Pumpkin Spice or Artisan Winter Spice for the...
Light and fluffy American style pancakes with a hint of spice. The frosting is optional, drizzle whatever takes your fancy over them!...
A traditional recipe from Brussels! Ingredients: 110g plain flour Pinch of salt Tsp of Artisan Pumpkin Spice or the Festive Edition 200ml...
Our Artisan Pumpkins Spice adds an extra warmth to the traditional chicken and vegetable soup. Ingredients: 2 bags of pre-cut vegetables...
The perfect afternoon snack for baby pumpkins. You could substitute the coconut flour for oats. Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 2 eggs Dash...
A fun and simple recipe to do with the little pumpkins! Ingredients: 110g caster sugar 110g butter 110g self-raising flour 1 tsp baking...
Remember the stewed fruit from a few recipes back? Make that or defrost some if you had any left over! Ingredients: Puff pastry sheet...
Quick recipe for a delightfully creamy smoothie! Get your milk of choice, blend up a banana with a stick blender, add a teaspoon of...
I love using the Artisan Winter Spice in the muffin mixture for a real depth of flavour and the Artisan Pumpkin Spice in the frosting for...
In need of some spiced chocolate warmth? Try out this Spiced Hot Chocolate for an amazing winter warmer which can be made with can be...
This is a really flexible recipe and can work with whatever ingredients you have left in the fridge and cupboards! Ingredients: Knob of...
This recipe is an adaption from John Barrowman, with the usual pumpkin spice tweaks! Ingredients: 285g plain flour 1 tsp bicarbonate of...
This recipe comes from Lidl, but of course it is tweaked the pumpkin spice way! Ingredients: 75g butter, melted 125g plain flour 1⁄2 tsp...
Delicious warm comfort food and a family favourite in our house! Really simple to make and can be used with either the Artisan Pumpkin...
This recipe is an ideal treat for those little pumpkins! Ingredients: Bread 1 egg Pumpkin Spice Icing sugar (optional) Method: Super easy...
Try this goats cheese and caramelised onion tart, with a twist. For extra flavour add either of the spice blends while the onions cook....
What a joy it is to cook with the seasons. Using rhubarb in recipes really brings out the beautifully sweet and equally tangy tartness....
This recipe is the perfect comfort food, especially if you need heated up on a cold winter's day. Ingredients: Knob of butter Garlic...